Where it all started...

Mia Waterson
Founder & Owner: Fushion Fairy Functions & Designs
"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. - Helen Keller"

Fushion Fairy Functions & Designs was formed on the ever increasing demand for knowledge on event design and coordination.  Mia is a master of creating sensational events, extraordinary parties and weddings.

Since 2010 Mia has steadily been carving her niche into the South Africn event industry. Mia’s skilled eye for the sensational and the fabulous is complimented by her enthusiastic and passionate approach to her work. Her sideline hobby-profession in mobile audio entertainment as a competetor  has enthused her with honing her entertainment skills and delivering to her eager audiences, the wondrous ideas she has learned or created for us all to enjoy.

Her divine table décor ideas have captivated peoples’ attention and made her a household name to many.